
Grams and Tons offers superior quality Rice that is packed and sent from our reputable worldwide partners. However, we remain vigilant about the quality and the type of Rice that we import as we want to supply our customers with the best quality available. Our partners produce the rice in the areas of Italy, US and other areas in Asia and Africa.  We offer many types of rice including: Egyptian, Italian (Baldo & Loto), American (Parboiled & Calrose), Thai (Parboiled), Indian (Basmati) etc.


Rice is used in most dishes and serves as a main ingredient in many cuisines. Rice is the dominate energy source for world’s population. Rice provides about 20% of the world’s dietary energy supply, on the other hand wheat provides 19% and corn 5%.

Rice is rich in carbohydrates and is the most important grain for human nutrition and caloric intake. In Lebanon, there is a strong demand for Rice and Grams and Tons has a strong reputation for being adaptive to the growing market.